Getting Ready for Texting - Submitting "Brand" and "Campaign" to the TCR
Topic outline
What your going to do:
1) navigate to Account settings -> TCR Profile (
2) click "Add new Brand"
3) fill out the "Company information". Please note, its best to fill this out as fully and completely as possible to avoid possible rejections for mismatching data.
What your going to do:
1) finish the "Brand" questionnaire
2) wait until your brand gets approved. This could take up to 24 hours but usually happens much faster.
What your going to do:
1) after your brand is verififed click "add new campaign"
2) choose a "brand" if you have more then one.
3) Choose your use case. For casual texting go with "Low Volume Mixed". Check any boxes that apply to your use case.
4) hit next to get to the next step.
What your going to do:
1) finish filling out step 2 of the campaign. This page is the most important step.
2) fill out a vertical that is close to your company
3) Campaign description: put a description that will describe your use:
"This is casual texting that I will be using to communicate with people I know. Both business and personal"
4) sample message: put a sample message that fits the format
"Hi this is <PERSON NAME> from <COMPANY NAME> Are you available to discuss <REASON FOR TEXT>"
5) campaign and content attributes. Update this to have your company info in there. Make sure you specify how your customers are agreeing to get texts from you. Just mention how they agreed to it.
6) subscriber opt-in:
7) opt in message:
"Reply Stop to stop. receiving messages"
8) out out keywords:
9) opt-out message:
"You have been removed from the list. Reply with any message to begin receiving messages"
10) subscriber help:
11) subscriber help message:
"Reply HELP if you need help"
What your going to do:
1) add your numbers to the campaign and then submit
2) wait for approval (please note this typically takes 21-30 business days for approval). This process is highly specific and therefore we recommend that you work with a RingPlan implementation team to get this resolved.
3) Newest requirements as of May 01, 2024 are that you must have a specific "privacy policy" on your website which details how you opt customers with some other specific language or its an automatic fail.
Please contact your sales representative to get setup with an implementation specialist to get texting campaign setup.
What your going to do:
1) navitage to pbx -> numbers (
2) click the pencil next to the number you want to text with
3) edit the "Who can text with this number" field and add your self as an authorized user of that number for texting.