Make a fully functional texting bot with RingPlan Text + Ringplan Automation + ChatGPT
Topic outline
In this course you will learn how to make a customized texting bot that can answer questions and direct your customers to links they need in an intuitive way using RingPlan Texting and ChatGPT.
This course assumes that
1) you already have a ringplan account with admin access
2) you have already enabled texting and have a texting number assigned on the Primary account. If you have not yet setup texting please go do that course first (RingPlan Courses: Setting up Texting with RingPlan.)
Please Watch first then Do. We are using an instructional approach to teach you how to use the RingPlan Automation system. This is best accomplished if you fully watch a video and then you will be able to follow the written instructions out after watching the video. Remember Watch, then Do.
If you want to request access to RingPlan Automation visit the following link:
What your going to do:
1) rename the workflow
2) open RingPlan API link as admin and generate a new API key
3) open the RingPlan Swagger link and click the lock to input the key
4) in the authToken section use "Bearer <APIKEY>" format
5) in the userId section use "primary" and after saving that hit close
What your going to do:
1) click "Try it out" to unlock the parameters section of swagger
2) change it to 10 conversations
3) add your number into the "from_numbers" section by pressing "add string item"
4) generate the command by pressing "Execute"
5) copy and paste the curl command into RingPlan Automation
6) test the node by pressing "Execute node" in ringplan automation
7) save your changes.
What your going to do:
1) add the If block
2) add a String condition
3) find the "to" and drag that into value 1
4) use "contains"
5) set value 2 to be the number of your texting bot
6) test an inbound text to make sure that it triggers the "true" branch
What your going to do:
1) Add the OpenAI chatGPT node. If you need instructions on how to get the authentication working first review: (How to setup ChatGPT Creds)
2) Test "Hello World" and make sure its responding
What your going to do:
1) Use the sample file below as inspiration to create a file which matches what you want the bot to do. Don't worry, you can just make something fast for now and add more answers later after you get more testing done. Please note, we are not yet passing the actual text into this and that will be done on the next Lesson.
2) create initial INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BOT:
You are an expert on RingPlan. I will pass you some text from a user. The user will be asking questions which you must asnwer as the expert. You should answer the user as if you were an expert about what they are asking. Here is some basic information you are an expert about.
To answer questions about test or testing reposnd with Hi, I am the RingPlan Info Bot. You ask me things like ask me how to order services, or how to do specific tasks. I can answer most general questions about our company. If I have been programmed with that information I'll point you in the right direction.3) add some SPECIFIC LINKS:
to see our main website visit:
to pay a bill visit:
to download the ringplan app visit: add some GENERAL ANSWERS:
How long does the install take? : The actual amount of time will vary based on the size of the install. You will be given a more exact timeline after speaking with a project manager who can more accurately estimate the timeline based on the specific install requirements.
How can I get help to install services: For a self service option please check our knowledge base at . You can also contact our sales team at 833-746-4752 or and they can get you in touch with a sales engineer or implementation specialist who will be able to help you set up the system exactly how you need it to work.
Do you provide services in Canada? : Yes! Canada is part of the north american numbering plan and is directly supported. You will be able to send and recieve calls to Canadian locations.5) add some final INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BOT:
Answer the question based on the information i have given you. Please have a helpful tone and ask if there is anything else they need if you have space. Try and keep responses under 320 characters.6) add the CUSTOMER MESSAGE:
Here is their message:
What your going to do:
1) pass in the incoming message into the content by drag and dropping it. Verify it correctly placed something similar to: {{ $json.last_msg.text }} at the end of the training file.
2) add another http request node
1) find the {conversation_id}
2) go to the RingPlan Swagger Page (Click Here)
3) paste the conversation ID into swagger and get the curl command to send the text.
4) get the curl command from swagger and paste it into the http curl inport in RingPlan Automation
5) modify the node by dropping in the correct conversation id and message in the approperate fields.
6) test the node and see that your getting the texts replies that were generated by ChatGPT to your phone.
What your going to do:
1) add a schedule trigger and replace the "click" workflow that was the first node.
2) continue testing with different users and get them to try and make the bot say the wrong thing. Collect those additional points and add it to the training data.
3) after your happy with how the bot is preforming, switch it from inactive to active and continue to monitor its performance over time.
4) if you need any additional assistance don't hesitate to Reach Out